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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Barnes and Noble Haul!

Hi everyone,
I have been blogging and doing more photography than I thought I would this week! I hope you're enjoying it. Also, make sure you've checked out my YouTube channel for a video book review of Samantha Sanderson At the Movies by Robin Caroll, (click words to be directed to it!)
I recently reviewed on my blog here).

This week, I was dogsitting and getting ready for an awards ceremony.

I also dropped off and picked up my sister at a camp called Worldview Academy. Today, we stopped at a HUGE Barnes & Noble in that area and I was on the lookout for bookmarks. Here are pictures of all that I got!

Bookmark #1- Whoo's been reading my book?

Up-close view of bookmark #1

Bookmark #2- My initial, K, with my favorite color, purple!

Up-close view of K on bookmark #2

Bookmark #3- This one says: Smile every day. 

The sketching book is one I purchased today!

I love this book bag. My mom found it in the clearance section.  

Another clearance section find! This will replace my current book journal when I do lots of reviews. 

Have a great day!


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